It’s hard to overstate Mexico’s importance to America’s dairy farmers. When I talk to dairy farmers, I always remind them that Mexico is our industry’s most important trading partner,...
While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
Portable foods have become a must in the modern world. Breakfast cereal, and milk for that matter, both have been losing out to grab-and-go breakfast options. Kellogg’s, a longtime stalwart in
One way that the dairy checkoff works to move volume and drive sales of dairy products is to partner with major food companies, such as Domino’s and McDonald’s
Despite the many advances in dairy cattle nutrition, we are still faced with some challenges. One of those challenges is to ensure adequate dry matter intake (DMI) in transition cows to optimize health
Disbudding with caustic paste is typically done within the first week of life, and as early as the first 24 hours. Currently, there is only a small amount of research on caustic paste
American Dairy Association (ADA) North East is one of the state and regional dairy checkoff organizations that has a fully developed retail program designed to keep dairy cases clean, cold, and well-s
Immigration reform has become a four-letter word, especially in conservative circles. Election year rhetoric, both on the campaign trail and political news channels, has only compounded the problem
News thrives on conflict -- it always has and always will. But that tendency to emphasize the negative -- or in the case of agriculture, every criticism of farmers and U.S. food production imaginable
Corn chopping season is upon us in the Northeast region, which means that all hands are on deck. Everyone is working to either keep the farm running smoothly or focused on the preparation and executio
When baling a heavy windrow, sometimes hay would get caught on the draw pin, which eventually created a slug that the baler didn’t appreciate. To keep hay from getting caught on the pin, we cut down